The Unexpected Expenses Of Moving

You have been planning this move for a while; you are completely prepared from the moving company to the hotels and airline tickets. You have all your paperwork in order, everything you do not want packed placed in your car (this way it won't get packed by accident). Are you forgetting anything? Unfortunately you may be, there are usually unexpected expenses that if you have not saved for can cause you extra stress.

The best thing to do is estimate what your moving costs will be and save an extra 15% more than that number, this way when all those little expenses start showing up you are ready. It is better to be safe than sorry, yes, maybe the extra tolls to the airport you hadn't taken much thought into those, and yes, they were only $1.50... But that is only the start, how many buck 50's will add up through the months of moving?

Take disconnection and reconnection fees, cable, internet, phone, this list can seem endless. The disconnection may not be so bad, but what if you had a lease, what it there was no clause to get you out of that lease, you may be stuck paying up to $150.00 for early termination fees! YUCK!! And then to think on top of that, you will have to pay for reconnection fees for almost everything when you move into your new home. There is a good chance your cable/internet/phone company will all be through the same provider, if this is the case, great, that is only 1 connection fee. There still may be a problem, if the house already had a provider cool, the connection fee could be as little as $35, but what if you are the 1st customer for that home, the fee may be larger since they will need to add the line.

How about your gas and electric, maybe there will be no disconnect or reconnect fees but you will probably have to clear the bill before you go, meaning you will be paying almost 2 months at once. And what if you are moving from an apartment to a home, or even a 1200 sqft home to a 2000 sqft home with a garden, there lies even more expenses. It will cost quite a bit more to heat and cool a home twice the size. How about keeping up with that beautiful garden, mowing will use gas or electric that you were never using before, and water, how are you going to keep that grass green.

If you were buying a home, you will be paying trash and sewer charges, you most likely never paid them before if you were renting. Also, your renters insurance will change to home owners insurance which will cost more. How about appliances, there is a chance you never bought them before; if you rented lots of rental homes supplied the appliances you needed. I remember moving into a home about 2 years ago, it was a rental but it did not have all appliances, and because I was so used to having everything I needed when I looked at the home and signed the paperwork, somehow I didn't realize there was no refrigerator! I don't even know how that can happen, but there we were, 1st day in the house, and realized there was no fridge, we had not saved for it and were searching ways to buy one without using credit.

So, anything can happen, fees, appliances, increased bills, you just never know, so be more prepared than you think you need to be, and hopefully your move will be a smooth one!

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